The Power of Music and Sound

"The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life." B. K. S. Iyengar

All sound is vibration, and vibration is energy. The earliest texts describe the universe as originating from the sacred sound, AUM or OM. Quantum physics has since discovered the unified field of energy, or the vibrations underlying everything in the universe, and in which energy is constantly being exchanged amongst all the universe's parts. Humans, too, are made of this energy, and every aspect of ourselves- heart, mind, body, and subtle energies- is affected by vibrations. The sounds we surround ourselves with and the words and tone that we speak are powerful and creative, altering the vibrations within and around us.

Nada Yoga, a science of vibration, is a way to delve deeper within, connect to and explore our inner wisdom, and tune ourselves to the Divine or highest vibration. We often get overwhelmed by our loud and busy environments, leaving us feeling out of tune with ourselves and others. Our energy slows and lowers in vibration, and then pain and illness can set in. Listening to inspiring music; singing; chanting; repeating mantras; toning; meditating to the sound of beautiful music and Himalayan singing bowls: All help us open our hearts and restore and align our energy, retuning us towards our natural, highest, and most resonant and healthy vibration. We can have transformative experiences when we listen with our whole being and intention, release our mind and body, and enter with awareness into the vibrations. This can induce the relaxation response, leaving us uplifted and feeling happier and balanced and better aligned with our deepest desire and life purpose. Harmonized in mind, body, and heart, we feel more connected with everything and everyone around us.

There are many similar systems of sound healing. Though they use different sounds, all can be powerfully healing if done in a relaxed way with the intention of love, healing, and peace.
