The Power of Breathing

Breathing is one of the most elementary functions and arousal systems of the body and one of the most accessible ways to calm the nervous system, helping us become more responsive and less reactive, improving our health and relationships.

Breathing is a clearing process of what’s been held in the body. We inhale and bring in oxygen, and exhale to release carbon dioxide and toxins. The breath can also release emotions. In Chinese medicine, the lungs are associated with grief and inspiration, while the heart is where we feel joy, love, and sadness. We express or exhale with the lungs, or hold things in. Sobbing is involuntary spasm of the lungs to let go grief. Also, the belly is where we feel anger, fear, and worries. So to best practice breathing, it's important to bring the breath beyond the diaphragm and belly movement and also engage the movement of the ribs to benefit the heart and lungs. Breathing practices help us to cultivate energy, spark awareness, and improve our emotional state.

Research supports that practicing breath control, or pranayama, can strengthen immune systems, lower blood pressure, and improve concentration and focus. We become less fearful, more resilient to stress, and feel an increase in our energy. Other benefits of breath control include emotional therapy and release; less depression and anxiety; physical pain regulation; increased lung capacity; increased oxygenation of the blood; heats the body; aids with some detox; helps smokers quit; helps with the emotional element of asthma; and is a tool for meditation practice, bringing you into the moment and keeping you in the present.

Breathing Practices
